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Article:Framework for managing Business logic of web services through Schema generation and Property evaluation

by Thirumaran. M, Dhavachelvan. P, Asha.T, Lakshmi.P
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Thirumaran. M, Dhavachelvan. P, Asha.T, Lakshmi.P

Thirumaran. M, Dhavachelvan. P, Asha.T, Lakshmi.P . Article:Framework for managing Business logic of web services through Schema generation and Property evaluation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 8, 14 ( October 2010), 5-14. DOI=10.5120/1317-1804

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Business Enterprise Management software needs to undergo structural modifications to gratify upcoming policies, whose advent may be due to business decision to satisfy customer demand or new business policy. Change management is a set of processes that is employed to ensure that significant changes are implemented to affect the organizational change. Here Change Management framework is proposed for making minor alterations to business logic but whose effect is more pronounced to the profitability of the organization. The main aspect is that commercial entity is managed at business analyst’s discretion and not at developers’ discretion which saves time and cost. A BLMF (Business Logic Management Framework) is a structured model in which a business analyst can store, retrieve, change and use the business rules that effect its operations in runtime itself. As business logic requirements change, business analysts can update the business logic without enlisting the aid of the IT staff. This business logic is made out at the run time so as to modify the logics in quick and better way. In this paper, the motivation for such framework by way of the genre of business products that the proposed architecture supports is presented. An account of proposed business logic management framework in terms of both functionality and the analyst friendly features available is detailed. Service Logic representation in XML schema exemplifies one of such analyst friendly features. All components are not product specification independent. Certain components of the framework are developed based on the product characteristics. Rule editor which helps identify the latent business rules in its logic is a product dependent component. Existing applications can be made compatible by developing an application compliant rule editor. Real time management is anticipated to get an edge over the existing management modules. So execution of this change management is discussed in service computing environment to throw light on how the service is modified in run time. Property Evaluation Engine is a noteworthy component of the framework. There has been a lot of research in computing and enhancing QoS parameters that aid fast retrieval of service but did not address fast modification of service and its impact analysis. Property evaluation engine is one such component that lends a hand in computing QoS parameters like Computability, Traceability, Time boundness etc. that help improve the reliability of change management system and guide change management process throughout its life cycle to increase its efficiency and robustness.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Business logic schema Business logic Rule extraction Source control management Property evaluation Web service maintenance Impact analysis