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Article:Semantic Cloud for Mobile Technology

by Sonal Anand, Sarvesh Gupta, Shweta Fatnani, Varsha Sharma, Deepti Jain
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Sonal Anand, Sarvesh Gupta, Shweta Fatnani, Varsha Sharma, Deepti Jain

Sonal Anand, Sarvesh Gupta, Shweta Fatnani, Varsha Sharma, Deepti Jain . Article:Semantic Cloud for Mobile Technology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 8, 12 ( October 2010), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/1260-1795

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The paper highlights and outlines the architecture of SCM (Semantic Cloud for Mobile), a blend of two emerging web technologies, semantic web and cloud computing, for revolutionizing data access and processing capabilities over mobile platform. The emphasis lies on decoupling of data processing and management from mobile hardware, alongwith the way SCM can be employed to resolve issues that have persisted over years, and exploring new opportunities that SCM may promise to offer.

  1. Berners-Lee, Tim; James Hendler and Ora Lassila (May 17, 2001). "The Semantic Web". Scientific American Magazine. Retrieved March 26, 2008
  2. Srinivasa Rao V, Nageswara Rao N K, E Kusuma Kumari.”Cloud Computing: An Overview”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (Vol 9. No. 1 – 2009)
  3. ”Mobile Internet has high potential in India”,
  4. Wikipedia,
  5. Abbie Barbir,”Web Services Security: An Enabler of Semantic Web Services”
  6. Kevin Green,”Tripple Tree MHealth Research and Survey Report”
  7. IBM Point of View: Security And Cloud Computing Cloud Computing, White Paper November 2009
  8. Graham Klyne, Semantic Web Applications
  9. Why Cloud Computing is the Future of Mobile,
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Semantic Web Cloud Computing Semantic Cloud for Mobile SCM Mobile Cloud RDF Semantic Cloud