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Article:A Simple Approach for Emission Constrained Economic Dispatch Problems

by S. Subramanian, S. Ganesan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: S. Subramanian, S. Ganesan

S. Subramanian, S. Ganesan . Article:A Simple Approach for Emission Constrained Economic Dispatch Problems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 8, 11 ( October 2010), 39-45. DOI=10.5120/1340-1619

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Economic dispatch is a highly constrained optimization problem in power system encompassing interaction among decision variables. Environmental concerns that arise due to the operation of fossil fired electric generators, transforms classical problem into multiobjective Emission Constrained Economic Dispatch (ECED) problem. The idea behind this problem formulation is to estimate the optimal generation schedule of generating units in such a manner that fuel cost and emission levels are simultaneously minimized. This multi-objective optimization problem is converted into a single objective function using price penalty factor. This paper presents a Sequential Approach with a Matrix Framework (SAMF) for solving ECED of thermal units. This is a maiden attempt has been developed to obtain the optimal dispatches for all achievable load demands of a system in single execution. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated for two standard test systems. Numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed method has close agreement with the recent reports.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Economic load dispatch Emission dispatch Transmission loss Sequential approach Matrix framework