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Article:Neutral Point Diode Clamped Multi-Level Control of Dstatcom by Using Fuzzy Gain Scheduling PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers

by Ganesh Prasad Reddy, K. Ramesh Reddy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 8 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Ganesh Prasad Reddy, K. Ramesh Reddy

Ganesh Prasad Reddy, K. Ramesh Reddy . Article:Neutral Point Diode Clamped Multi-Level Control of Dstatcom by Using Fuzzy Gain Scheduling PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers. International Journal of Computer Applications. 8, 10 ( October 2010), 24-30. DOI=10.5120/1242-1750

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This paper presents the three – level neutral point diode clamped inverter is used in a distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM), making use of the multi-level inverter advantages of low harmonics distortion and reduced switching losses. The pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter is employed as DSTATCOM compensating reactive power and eliminates the harmonics drawn from a non-linear load. A fuzzy gain scheduled proportional and integral (FGPI) dc voltage controller is proposed for inverter dc voltage control to improve the performances of three – levels DSTATCOM and fuzzy logic current controller is proposed to reduce harmonic supply currents for DSTATCOM. The D-Q reference frame theory is used to generate the reference compensating currents for three -level DSTATCOM. The three-level DSTATCOM with proposed control schemes is implemented in Matlab/Simulink software platform. The simulation results show that the system with proposed control schemes provides a good inverter dc voltage regulation, reduced harmonics distortion in supply current and in phase with line voltage.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


DSTATCOM fuzzy gain scheduled PI controller fuzzy logic controller multilevel inverter