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Accumulator Aided Decoding of Low Complexity SISO Arithmetic Codes with Image Transmission Application

by Saikat Majumder, Shrish Verma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 79 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Saikat Majumder, Shrish Verma

Saikat Majumder, Shrish Verma . Accumulator Aided Decoding of Low Complexity SISO Arithmetic Codes with Image Transmission Application. International Journal of Computer Applications. 79, 7 ( October 2013), 23-30. DOI=10.5120/13755-1592

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title = { Accumulator Aided Decoding of Low Complexity SISO Arithmetic Codes with Image Transmission Application },
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%T Accumulator Aided Decoding of Low Complexity SISO Arithmetic Codes with Image Transmission Application
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In this paper, we address Joint Source-Channel (JSC) decoding with low decoding complexity over wireless channel. We propose a unity rate accumulator based design for soft-input soft-out decoding for low complexity Chase-like decoding of arithmetic codes. Chase-like decoding is a low complexity algorithm, where a maximum a posteriori sequence estimation criterion is employed for maximum likelihood decoding of variable length codes like arithmetic codes. Previous contributions propose iterative decoding SISO arithmetic codes with convolutional codes and LDPC codes. We propose application of unity rate accumulator as inner encoder and decoder in the system, which improves the bit error performance of the system by 1. 25 dB with same number of decoding iterations. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme for image transmission application.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Arithmetic coding iterative source-channel coding Chase-like decoding accumulator BCJR algorithm