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Trust based Security Service Mechanism for Client End Security using Attribute based Encryption at Cloud Platform

by Balwant Prajapat, Surendra Vishwakarma
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 79 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Balwant Prajapat, Surendra Vishwakarma

Balwant Prajapat, Surendra Vishwakarma . Trust based Security Service Mechanism for Client End Security using Attribute based Encryption at Cloud Platform. International Journal of Computer Applications. 79, 10 ( October 2013), 20-25. DOI=10.5120/13777-1648

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Internet and cloud application is getting faster day by day. It increases the data exchange rate over internet. During this heavy data transmission security is considered as major issues in communication. Encryption method used as a primary technique for providing the security to information systems. Among all the encryption techniques attribute based encryption (ABE) is getting popularity among the users. For secure data access the client must be sure about the process used for this type of encryption but in cloud platform everything is provided by cloud. Thus the satisfaction of security at user level is not provided by any cloud. Thus this work proposes a novel Client end trust based security service mechanism (TBSSM) using behaviour based encryption for achieving the better results. This work focuses on the application area of cloud storage platform for user satisfaction. This model gives a unique stack based solution for achieving the end user security. In this methodology the attribute can be identified from the user attribute table. This attribute table is dynamic in nature & whose values are passed in the table after a pre calculation of trust & user modelling.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


CP-ABE(Cipher Text Policy Attribute Based Encryption) KP-ABE (Key Policy attribute Based Encryption) MA-ABE (Multi Authority Attribute Based Encryption) Cloud Platform ABE (Attribute Based Encryption) TBSSM (Trust Based Security Service Model) Access Policy