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A survey of Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

by G. Vennira Selvi, R. Manoharan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 79 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: G. Vennira Selvi, R. Manoharan

G. Vennira Selvi, R. Manoharan . A survey of Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 79, 1 ( October 2013), 1-4. DOI=10.5120/13702-1445

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author = { G. Vennira Selvi, R. Manoharan },
title = { A survey of Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks },
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issue_date = { October 2013 },
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%T A survey of Energy Efficient Unequal Clustering Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks
%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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In order to prolong the lifetime of sensor nodes, wireless sensor networks are partitioned into clusters. The most of the proposed Equal Clustering algorithms do not consider location of the base station. This situation causes hot spots or energy hole problem in multi-hop data forwarding. Unequal clustering mechanisms, which are designed by considering the location of the base station to solve the hot spot issue. In this paper, we examine currently proposed Unequal clustering algorithms for WSN. We will in brief discuss the operations of these algorithms, as well as the comparisons on the performance such as efficiency and quality between various schemes.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Clustering Energy consumption Network life time.