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Power System Restoration Assessment Indices computation for a Restructured Power System with Bacterial Foraging Optimized Load - Frequency Controller

by R. Thirunavukarasu, B. Paramasivam, I. A. Chidambaram
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 78 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: R. Thirunavukarasu, B. Paramasivam, I. A. Chidambaram

R. Thirunavukarasu, B. Paramasivam, I. A. Chidambaram . Power System Restoration Assessment Indices computation for a Restructured Power System with Bacterial Foraging Optimized Load - Frequency Controller. International Journal of Computer Applications. 78, 16 ( September 2013), 41-54. DOI=10.5120/13610-1434

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This paper proposes, various design procedures for computing Power System Restoration Assessment Indices (PSRAI) for a Two-Area Hydro-Thermal Reheat Interconnected Power System (TAHTRIPS) in a restructured environment with a load-frequency controller optimized using Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) algorithm. In the restructured scenario, as various types of apparatus with large capacity may enhance fast power consumption which causes serious problem in the frequency oscillations. The oscillation of system frequency may sustain and grow to cause stability problems in the system if no adequate damping is provided. The disturbances to the power system due to a small load change can even result in wide deviation in system frequency which is referred as load-frequency control problem. Quick system restoration is of prime importance not only based on the time of restoration and also stability limits also plays a very vital role in power system restoration problems due to unexpected load variations in power systems. The simple conventional Proportional plus Integral (P-I) controllers are still popular in power industry for frequency regulation as in case of any change in system operating conditions new gain values can be computed easily even for multi-area power systems. This paper focus on the computation of various PSRAI for TAH(with mechanical governor) -TRIPS and TAH (with Electric governor)- TRIPS unit based on the settling time concept, The design of the Proportional plus Integral (PI) controller gains are tuned using Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) algorithm. These controllers are implemented to achieve a fast restoration time in the output responses of the system when the system experiences with various step load perturbations. In this paper the PRSAI are calculated for different types of possible transactions and the necessary remedial measures to be adopted are also suggested.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Bacterial Foraging Optimization Electric Governor Load- Frequency Control Proportional plus Integral Controller Restructured Power System Power System Restoration Assessment Indices