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Performance of new Load Balancing protocol for VANET using AODV [LBV_AODV]

by R. K. Chauhan, Arzoo Dahiya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 78 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: R. K. Chauhan, Arzoo Dahiya

R. K. Chauhan, Arzoo Dahiya . Performance of new Load Balancing protocol for VANET using AODV [LBV_AODV]. International Journal of Computer Applications. 78, 12 ( September 2013), 8-10. DOI=10.5120/13573-1192

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Vehicular Adhoc network has gained popular attention in last few years due to the provision of safety and comfort related applications. VANETs are direct offshoot of MANETs but with unique characteristics like high speed, dynamic changing topology and difficult communication environment. Due to these unique features ,routing in vehicular network has always been a challenging issue but besides efficient routing very less attention is being paid in the area of load balancing. So in this study, load optimization/management in VANET is focused and a new protocol is introduced with new metric i. e. local delay which uses interface queue length. The new protocol is an extension of conventional AODV and it is modified according to VANET parameters. The protocol is simulated on Ns2. 34 and the performance analysis shows that the new protocol is better than AODV in terms of PDR and EED.

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  8. A. rani,M. dave,Performance evaluation of modified AODV for load balancing,journal of computer science,ISSN1549-3636.
  9. . A. Dahiya,R. K. Chauhan,A Comparartive study of Manet and Vanet environment,http://www. scribd. com/doc/34832829/A-Comparative-study-of-MANET-and-VANET-Environment.
  10. M. C. Schut et al, SOTRIP: A self organizing protocol for traffic information,IWCMC, pp. 21-24, 2009.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


VANET ns2 pdr nrl speed aggregate interface queue length end to end delay etc.