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Analysis of Hopfield Associative Memory with Combination of MC Adaptation Rule and an Evolutionary Algorithm

by Amit Singh, Somesh Kumar, T P Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 78 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Amit Singh, Somesh Kumar, T P Singh

Amit Singh, Somesh Kumar, T P Singh . Analysis of Hopfield Associative Memory with Combination of MC Adaptation Rule and an Evolutionary Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 78, 11 ( September 2013), 37-42. DOI=10.5120/13536-1275

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The combination of evolutionary algorithms and ANN has been a recent interest in the field of research. Hopfield model is a type of recurrent neural network which has been widely studied for the purpose of associative memories. In the present work, this Hopfield Model of feedback neural networks has been studied with Monte Carlo adaptation learning rule and one evolutionary searching algorithm i. e. genetic algorithm for pattern association. The aim is to obtain the optimal weight matrices with the MC-adaptation rule and Genetic algorithm for efficient recalling of any approximate input patterns. The experiments consider the Hopfield neural networks architectures that store all objects using Monte Carlo-adaptation rule and simulates the recalling of these stored patterns on presentation of prototype input patterns using evolutionary algorithm (Genetic Algorithm). Experiment shows the recalling of patterns using genetic algorithm have better results than the conventional recalling with Hebbian rule.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hopfield Neural Network with associative memory for pattern association problem using MC-adaptation rule and Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm