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Private Cloud in Educational Institutions: An Implementation using UEC

by D. Sudha Devi, L. Yamuna Devi, K. Thilagavathy, P. Aruna, N. Priya, S. Vasantha
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 78 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: D. Sudha Devi, L. Yamuna Devi, K. Thilagavathy, P. Aruna, N. Priya, S. Vasantha

D. Sudha Devi, L. Yamuna Devi, K. Thilagavathy, P. Aruna, N. Priya, S. Vasantha . Private Cloud in Educational Institutions: An Implementation using UEC. International Journal of Computer Applications. 78, 1 ( September 2013), 8-12. DOI=10.5120/13451-1059

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Cloud Computing, the emerging technology, delivers IT capabilities as services-on-demand using internet. Though the Cloud technology possesses lot many benefits, it suffer several challenges which hinders the adoption of public cloud by many organizations. Since the consumer has to depend on the cloud provider's infrastructure that is not completely controlled internally by the consumer, the management of the data and services shall not be fully trustworthy. To ensure the security of the data it is better to go for a Private cloud rather than Public cloud where the data is managed internally. The organizations that have already invested in their own infrastructure are looking at setting up private clouds within their organizational boundaries to procure the benefits of cloud computing technologies. This paper tries to address the challenges towards Public Cloud and possible alternative, that is a "Private Cloud". This paper also emphasis the advantages of moving to Private Cloud and describes how to set up Private Cloud in an Educational Institution. Educational institutions such as Schools, Colleges, Universities are in need of availing the cloud features with proper security. Private Cloud solutions will increase better resource utilization, minimize risks, and improve data security. This paper also describes how to access a database server stored in the cloud node to benefit the end users within the Institution.

  1. NIST Definition of Cloud Computing http:// csrc. nist. gov/publications/nistpubs/ 800-145/ SP800-145. pdf
  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS), http://aws. amazon. Com /ec2.
  3. Google AppEngine, http://googcloudlabs. appspot. com
  4. Microsoft Azure, www. windowsazure. com
  5. From public to private cloud: Why make the move?, http://www. ibm. com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-publictoprivatecloud/
  6. Krishnan Subramaniyan, Private Cloud, http://la. Trend micro. com /media/ wp/private-clouds-whitepaper-en. pdf
  7. Yamuna Devi L, Aruna P, Sudha Devi D, Priya N, "Security in Virtual Machine Live Migration for KVM", International Conference on Process Automation, Control and Computing (PACC), 2011, IEEE Conference Proceedings.
  8. Sudha Devi D, Aruna P, Yamuna Devi L, "Managing Data in the Cloud : An Analysis", National Conference on Communication, Networking and Computing (NCCNC2010) conference proceedings
  9. UEC-Community Ubuntu Documentation, https://help. ubuntu. com
  10. Mladen A. Vouk, "Cloud Computing – Issues, Research and Implementation", Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT 16, 2008, 4, 235-246
  11. Amazon Web Services: Overview of Security Processes, http://aws. amazon. com/security.
  12. Kui Ren, Cong Wang, Qian Wang, Security Challenges for the Public Cloud.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing security data storage private cloud private cloud in educational institutions enterprise cloud