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Reseach Article

Migration to Cloud Computing: A Risk Homeostasis Methodology

by Hamse Yuusuf, Christopher Tubb
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 77 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Hamse Yuusuf, Christopher Tubb

Hamse Yuusuf, Christopher Tubb . Migration to Cloud Computing: A Risk Homeostasis Methodology. International Journal of Computer Applications. 77, 7 ( September 2013), 5-9. DOI=10.5120/13404-1056

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In recent years virtualization has gained significant momentum. Organisations are looking at this technology seriously because of potential savings and of scalability advantage. According to Gartner's survey in early 2010 [1] of 1600 CIOs around the world, virtualization and cloud computing was on top of their IT investment list. This interest has also resulted in slew of products and services from existing IT players as well as new comers which promise to offer many solutions to pave the path towards migrating to virtual environment. As organizations start investing in virtualization, they look towards their current IT setup and in an attempt to identify the best way they can take advantage of what cloud has to offer. For a given enterprises, getting on to cloud might be a complete new start from scratch; a limited deployment of new applications or migration of part of existing applications integrating backwards with on-premise applications. To take advantage of the virtualization, enterprise will need to define their short and long term cloud strategy. There is a need to consider factors specific to their businesses and determine their requirements, risks and benefits. Proper investigation by the enterprise will give insight in to the benefits and specific strategy they need to follow to gain the said benefits from cloud computing. This paper analyses cloud benefits, risks and proposes specific migration methodology which enterprises can adopt to make sure the migration and integration between on- premise and cloud happens with minimal disruption to business and results in maximum sustainable cost benefit.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing Cloud Migration Cloud Risks.