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Reseach Article

Exploring on Various Prediction Model in Data Mining Techniques for Disease Diagnosis

by K. Lokanayaki, A. Malathi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 77 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: K. Lokanayaki, A. Malathi

K. Lokanayaki, A. Malathi . Exploring on Various Prediction Model in Data Mining Techniques for Disease Diagnosis. International Journal of Computer Applications. 77, 5 ( September 2013), 26-29. DOI=10.5120/13392-1032

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title = { Exploring on Various Prediction Model in Data Mining Techniques for Disease Diagnosis },
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issue_date = { September 2013 },
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issn = { 0975-8887 },
pages = { 26-29 },
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%T Exploring on Various Prediction Model in Data Mining Techniques for Disease Diagnosis
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

The main objective of this survey paper focused on variety of data mining techniques, approaches and different researches which are ongoing and helpful to medical diagnosis of disease. The survey is conducted in three different dimensions. Study was conducted using classification model, clustering model and bio-inspirational model. The study reveals that depending on the type of dataset used each model differs in their performance. For predicting the disease with labeled dataset the classification model was well suited in that the support vector machine and its variants are highly used. If the dataset consist of unlabelled features then the clustering model better suits for pattern recognition among the several methods k-means algorithm with the improvisation is adapted by researches due to its simplicity. To increase the performance of dataset with more optimization, then the bio-inspirational based techniques is well suited, in this particle swarm optimization is most used because of its bigger optimization ability and it can be completed easily. Thus the paper investigates the importance of each model in the field of medical diagnosis.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Medical field Data Mining Methods Data mining applications Prediction Medical diagnosis.