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Cross Layer Preemptive Route Repair Scheme for MANET

by Mehajabeen Fatima, Roopam Gupta, T. K. Bandhopadhyay
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 77 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Mehajabeen Fatima, Roopam Gupta, T. K. Bandhopadhyay

Mehajabeen Fatima, Roopam Gupta, T. K. Bandhopadhyay . Cross Layer Preemptive Route Repair Scheme for MANET. International Journal of Computer Applications. 77, 10 ( September 2013), 26-32. DOI=10.5120/13432-1131

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The challenge of mobile adhoc network (MANET) is to keep the path active for long time. Since the path breaks due to node movement and limited battery power. The route is repaired and discovered only after a path breaks in existing routing protocols. Detection of route break and establishment of a new route insisted a high cost on the network. Preemptive route repair can be an alternative. It allows a routing algorithm to maintain connectivity by switching to a new path before a path break. In this paper, 'Route discovery by cross layer routing protocol ( RDCLRP)' is proposed. RDCLRP is modification of AODV. RDCLRP is a preemptive route repair routing protocol using cross layer approach. A route is considered to break when the node is moving towards out of transmission range or battery power is going to zero. When a path is about to break, a warning is broadcast showing the possibility of disconnection. A route is discovered in advance before route break to avoid disconnection. The performance of proposed algorithm is investigated for change in traffic. Simulations are run on qualnet 5. 0. Proposed algorithm shows improvement compared to an AODV. Results illustrated that the route breakage is reduced by an average of 91%, throughput is improved by 30. 62%, delay is reduced by 24. 1%, received packets are increased by 24. 3% and residual battery power is increased by 16. 05%.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


MANET AODV route repair route discovery Hello Warning message (HWM)