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Reseach Article

Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data - A Review

by Sukhjit Singh Sehra, Jaiteg Singh, Hardeep Singh Rai
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 76 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sukhjit Singh Sehra, Jaiteg Singh, Hardeep Singh Rai

Sukhjit Singh Sehra, Jaiteg Singh, Hardeep Singh Rai . Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data - A Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 76, 16 ( August 2013), 17-20. DOI=10.5120/13331-0888

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The meaning and purposes of web has been changing and evolving day by day. Web 2. 0 encouraged more contribution by the end users. This movement provided revolutionary methods of sharing and computing data by crowdsourcing such as OpenStreetmap, also called "the wikification of maps" by some researchers. When crowdsourcing collects huge data with help of general public with varying level of mapping experience, the focus of researcher should be on analysing the data rather than collecting it. Researchers have assessed the quality of OpenStreetMap data by comparing it with proprietary data or data of governmental map agencies. This study reviews the research work for assessment of Open- StreetMap Data and also discusses about the future directions.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Openstreetmap Crowdsourcing Volutereed Geographic Information