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Knowledge based Grid Using Semantic Web for the University System

by Muqeem Ahmed, S. Zeeshan Hussain, S. A. M. Rizvi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 76 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Muqeem Ahmed, S. Zeeshan Hussain, S. A. M. Rizvi

Muqeem Ahmed, S. Zeeshan Hussain, S. A. M. Rizvi . Knowledge based Grid Using Semantic Web for the University System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 76, 15 ( August 2013), 46-52. DOI=10.5120/13325-0900

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The emergence of semantic web will result in an enormous amount of knowledge base resources on the web. The efficient use of knowledge resource totally depends on internet search engines which do not only help organization who are involved in the development of web browsers but also international economy as a whole buy facilitating efficient transition, managing and sending appropriate results to the web browser user. It is observed that data flowing from internet is often vague and therefore there is need to develop technology which has to get relevant and focused information. The Knowledge base grid in semantic web is an important instrument to enhance the application domain of semantic web. using the semantic web technologies for the solution of the problems of the students in the knowledge based grid distributed environment is major challenging task where they can collect coordinate publish and share knowledge to get the the admission in the course according to their ability. they can get knowledge about different universities, colleges and institutions in the distributed environment within these they select different courses according to their ability for decision making for their career and also find jobs available in the different colleges, universities and institutions in the distributed environment.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Grid Computing semantic web. Distributed Environment and ontology