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Reseach Article

Human Activities – Their Classification, Recognition and Ensemble of Classifiers

by Prajakta Kishore Kalangutkar, Santosh S. Saraf, Sheetalkumar Mallikarjun Onkari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 76 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Prajakta Kishore Kalangutkar, Santosh S. Saraf, Sheetalkumar Mallikarjun Onkari

Prajakta Kishore Kalangutkar, Santosh S. Saraf, Sheetalkumar Mallikarjun Onkari . Human Activities – Their Classification, Recognition and Ensemble of Classifiers. International Journal of Computer Applications. 76, 14 ( August 2013), 6-11. DOI=10.5120/13313-0643

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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing aids in evaluating the body's ability to adapt to physical and mental stress. With the advent of computers, there are growing interests on recognizing context generated from human known as human activity recognition. The recognition of human activities has gained a higher interest in this field. Thus, this paper aims at recognizing the human activities by evaluating the HRV in real time, using a Pulse Sensor and by transferring the data serially from Arduino to MATLAB for classifying the activities and recognizing them. The paper also utilizes the data obtained from Wearable Action Recognition Database (WARD) database by creating a test data from the available dataset to implement the classifier algorithm.

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  11. Allen Y. Yang, "Data Collection Protocol for Wearable Action Recognition Database (WARD). "
  12. Heart Rate Variability Analysis Scientific Background-http://www. biocomtech. com/hrvscientific, visited on 19/5/2013.
  13. Heart Rate Variability Analyzer - http://zone. ni. com/reference/en-XX/help/373698A- 01/bioapps/hrv_analyzer/, visited on 19/5/2013.
  14. Pulse Sensor - http://www. pulsesensor. com/, visited on 29/4/2013.
  15. Introduction to Data Acquisition and Processing - http://www. seas. upenn. edu/~ese111/Fall2012labs/Lab5. pdf, visited on 1/5/2013.
  16. Arduino to MATLAB – read in sensor data http://robotgrrl. com/blog/2010/01/15/arduino-to-matlab-read-in-sensor-data/, visited on 9/5/2013.
  17. Download software / Purchase Arduino - www. arduino. cc/, visited on 11/4/2013.
  18. Download Processing with examples - http://www. processing. org/, visited on 29/4/2013.
  19. Processing (Programming language) from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Processing_%28programming_language%29, visited on 30/4/2013.
  20. Serial Communication between Arduino and MATLAB - http://home. iitb. ac. in/~rahul. /ITSP/serial_comm_matlab. pdf, visited on 1/5/2013.
  21. Pulse Sensor Amped Code & Guide - http://pulsesensor. myshopify. com/pages/pulse-sensor-amped-arduino-v1dot1, visited on 6/5/2013.
  22. PLX-DAQ Data Acquisition for Excel - http://www. parallax. com/ProductInfo/Microcontrollers/PLXDAQDataAcquisitiontool/tabid/393/Default. aspx, visited on 20/6/2013.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


heart rate variability human activities classification feature extraction