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Design of Triangular and Plus Shaped Fractal Antennas for Multi-Band Applications

by M. Satyanaryana, Md. Sirazuddin, P. Suma Prasanth, V. V. Sai Arun
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: M. Satyanaryana, Md. Sirazuddin, P. Suma Prasanth, V. V. Sai Arun

M. Satyanaryana, Md. Sirazuddin, P. Suma Prasanth, V. V. Sai Arun . Design of Triangular and Plus Shaped Fractal Antennas for Multi-Band Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 8 ( August 2013), 17-22. DOI=10.5120/13130-0492

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title = { Design of Triangular and Plus Shaped Fractal Antennas for Multi-Band Applications },
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issue_date = { August 2013 },
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%A Md. Sirazuddin
%A P. Suma Prasanth
%A V. V. Sai Arun
%T Design of Triangular and Plus Shaped Fractal Antennas for Multi-Band Applications
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Heavy changes have already taken place in the field of wireless communications in 21st century. Yet the demand for opulence and mitigated tautness is very much alive. An antenna with wider bandwidth, multiband operations and low profile characteristics is the cardinal root to all the modern day requirements. Fractal antenna fills this paucity with its unusual properties of self-similarity and multi-band behavior besides possessing the features of an ideal antenna. A multi-band antenna can be used for operating in more than one band of frequencies. This unique feature is reinforced using a triangular and plus shape fractal antenna. These two are assumed to cater the needs of the mankind with their bankable lineaments. Because of these savory properties, it is felt that this paper should deal with these two fractal types and their cornucopia applications. The ascendancy gained by fractal antennas over conventional antennas is because of the reduced size and multi-band nature. In this paper the applications and advantages of triangular and plus shaped slotted fractal antenna are dealt along with their design and radiation properties. It finds its application in the fields of medicine, military, geology and in wireless communication. The antennas are designed at a resonant frequency of 2. 4 GHz and the simulations like VSWR, return losses are calibrated at this frequency. The simulation results are observed using HFSS 12 and are verified using network analyzer.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Design Triangular