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Personal Health Data Storage Protection on Cloud Using MA-ABE

by M. Rajeev Kumar, M. Dhilsath Fathima, M. Mahendran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: M. Rajeev Kumar, M. Dhilsath Fathima, M. Mahendran

M. Rajeev Kumar, M. Dhilsath Fathima, M. Mahendran . Personal Health Data Storage Protection on Cloud Using MA-ABE. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 8 ( August 2013), 11-16. DOI=10.5120/13129-0490

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author = { M. Rajeev Kumar, M. Dhilsath Fathima, M. Mahendran },
title = { Personal Health Data Storage Protection on Cloud Using MA-ABE },
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issue_date = { August 2013 },
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%A M. Rajeev Kumar
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Online personal health record (PHR) enables patients to handle their individual medical records in a centralized way, which really facilitates the storage, access and distribution of personal health data. With the appearance of cloud computing, it is attractive for the PHR service providers to shift their PHR applications and storage into the cloud, in order to like the flexible resources and diminish the operational cost, but by storing PHRs in the cloud, the patients be unable to find physical control to their personal health data, which makes it required for each patient to encrypt her PHR data prior to uploading to the cloud servers. Under encryption, it is difficult to achieve fine-grained access control to PHR data in a scalable and well-organized way. Existing cryptographic enforced access control schemes are mostly designed for the single-owner scenarios. In this paper, we suggest a new patient-centric frame work and a suite of mechanism for data access control to PHRs stored in semi-trusted servers. To allow fine-grained and scalable access control for PHRs, we control attribute based encryption (ABE) techniques to encrypt every patient's PHR data. Different from earlier works in protected data outsourcing, we center on the multiple data owner scenario, and separate the user in the PHR system into multiple security domains that really decreases the key managing complexity for owners and users. In this way, a high degree of patient privacy is assured concurrently by developing multi-authority ABE and CC-MAABE.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Computing ABE CC MA-ABE MA-ABE Personal Health Records.