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Chaotic Adaptive Control of Non-Binary TTCM Decoding Algorithm

by Riyadh A. Al-hilali, Abdulkareem S. Abdallah, Raad H. Thaher
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Riyadh A. Al-hilali, Abdulkareem S. Abdallah, Raad H. Thaher

Riyadh A. Al-hilali, Abdulkareem S. Abdallah, Raad H. Thaher . Chaotic Adaptive Control of Non-Binary TTCM Decoding Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 5 ( August 2013), 12-20. DOI=10.5120/13106-0414

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title = { Chaotic Adaptive Control of Non-Binary TTCM Decoding Algorithm },
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%A Raad H. Thaher
%T Chaotic Adaptive Control of Non-Binary TTCM Decoding Algorithm
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This paper presents a non-binary Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM) decoder-based multidimensional 3-D (Maximum A Posteriori) MAP algorithm. The proposed system deals with Non-binary error control coding of the TTCM scheme for transmissions over the AWGN channel. The idea of Non-binary codes has been extended for symbols de?ned over rings of integers, which outperform binary codes with only a small increase in decoding complexity. This paper employs chaos technique at the decoding stage of the Non-binary TTCM decoder, since the turbo decoding algorithm can be viewed as a high-dimensional dynamical nonlinear system. A simple technique to control transient chaos of turbo decoding algorithm is devised. The analysis of non-linear discrete deterministic Non-binary TTCM decoder used the Binary (0-1) test for chaos to distinguish between regular and chaotic dynamics. The most powerful aspect of the method is that it is independent of the nature of the vector field (or data) under consideration. The simulation results show that the performance of the non-binary TTCM decoding algorithm-based chaos technique outperforms the binary and non-binary decoding methods.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Turbo codes TTCM chaos techniques nonlinear phenomena of dynamic systems