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Web Mashup Integration to End-Users using QoS and Proficient Assessments

by Subbulakshmi.s, Praveen Kumar.b
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Subbulakshmi.s, Praveen Kumar.b

Subbulakshmi.s, Praveen Kumar.b . Web Mashup Integration to End-Users using QoS and Proficient Assessments. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 5 ( August 2013), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/13104-0407

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"Needs have become more and the search for those needs have become rapid. " Everything relies online. Web services are one of the emerging drifts that visualises fundamental to super-rational requests and providing a high fidelity outcome via QoS analysis. Extensive sharing of resources is the vital logic of such web services which enables the users & programmers to exploit data sources available at varied geographical distinctions. For instance, Google Drive is one such web service that offers data portability. The elimination of time old, one to one communication and enhanced many-to-many interactions is accomplished through Web Services, thereby improvising the intellectual standards of common users. Implemented on a Wide area of network applications, web services offer high accuracy, enriched results from existing data.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Scrutiniser Concurrency Ontology Conceptualization