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Study and Review of Various Image Texture Classification Methods

by Sandip S. Patil, Harshal S. Patil
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sandip S. Patil, Harshal S. Patil

Sandip S. Patil, Harshal S. Patil . Study and Review of Various Image Texture Classification Methods. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 16 ( August 2013), 33-38. DOI=10.5120/13197-0897

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title = { Study and Review of Various Image Texture Classification Methods },
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Pattern is an arrangement of features which are defined by various characteristics of image such as shape, color and texture. Texture is an important characteristic for image analysis. The major trend of the research today in terms of feature extraction for classification is accuracy oriented, however usually the newer algorithms that promises better accuracy is much more complicated in its calculations and often sacrifices the speed of the algorithm. This paper contains study and review of various techniques used for feature extraction and texture classification. The objective of study is to find technique or combination of techniques to reduce complexity, speed while increasing the accuracy at the same time. Here we are studying and reviewing the three feature extraction methods: Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Gabor filter method. Also two classification methods KNN and SVM are used on the texture datasets Brodatz, CUReT, VisTex and OuTex for the experimental purpose.

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  9. Information about Brodatz texture database: http://www. ux. uis. no/~tranden/brodatz. html
  10. Theory regarding Brodatz texture database: http://www. texturesynthesis. com/meastex/imgs/brodatz. html
  11. Information about CUReT texture dataset: http://www1. cs. columbia. edu/CAVE/software/curet
  12. The Vision Texture (VisTex) dataset is prepared by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: http://vismod. media. mit. edu/vismod/imagery/VisionTexture/
  13. Information about outex texture dataset: http://www. outex. oulu. fi/temp/orig. html
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Texture classification Feature Extraction Pattern Recognition