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Reseach Article

Multi-objective Design and Modeling of a Green Supply Chain GSC

by El Hassani. H, Benkachcha. S, Benhra. J
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: El Hassani. H, Benkachcha. S, Benhra. J

El Hassani. H, Benkachcha. S, Benhra. J . Multi-objective Design and Modeling of a Green Supply Chain GSC. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 15 ( August 2013), 35-42. DOI=10.5120/13189-0905

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The design of a sustainable supply chain involves consideration of social, economic and environmental objectives. The social dimension is sometimes more difficult to identify or quantify in mathematical terms this is why in this work, the focus is on two objectives: economic (cost) and environmental (CO2 emissions). This article discusses the design of supply chain management with consideration of carbon emissions in the total logistics costs by using a multi-objective model. Companies are more and more pushed to analyze their carbon emissions. This research is therefore concerned with them when they are due to transport and storage along the supply chain. The objective is to compare the environmental criteria (carbon emissions) but also financial (stock level, mileage. . . ). The main objectives of the study are: to develop benchmarks for the simulation of supply chain and drive relevant experiences to optimize the green supply chains.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Green Supply Chains design modeling of logistics networks multi-objective formulation environmental impact.