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Encode Decode Linux based Partitions to Hide and Explore File System

by Ajahar Ismailkha Pathan, Amit Sinhal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 75 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ajahar Ismailkha Pathan, Amit Sinhal

Ajahar Ismailkha Pathan, Amit Sinhal . Encode Decode Linux based Partitions to Hide and Explore File System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 75, 12 ( August 2013), 40-45. DOI=10.5120/13167-0896

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One of the big advantages of using Linux is that its security tends to be so much better than that of the competing alternatives. Linux has gained its popularity as an open source operating system and has been used for workstations and servers. Due to the growth of its usage in application and production line, its vulnerabilities have increased from time to time. Exploits are written based on these vulnerabilities that enable systems to be controlled over or simply knock out of its purpose. Linux might be impervious to viruses and worms written for Windows, but that's just a small subset of the larger issue. We are not sure about security. With the limitations of above there is a need of a analysing different methods to secure Linux. Here we perform analysis on some tool that are Explore 2fs, DiskInternal Linux Reader, Ext2fsd to access Linux partition and security of Linux define based on efficiency of that tools.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


File System Virtual File System Journaling File Explore Permission Modification.