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Face Recognition of Database of Compressed Images using Local Binary Patterns

by Padmaja Vijay Kumar, M. N. Giri Prasad, Padmaja. K. V
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 74 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Padmaja Vijay Kumar, M. N. Giri Prasad, Padmaja. K. V

Padmaja Vijay Kumar, M. N. Giri Prasad, Padmaja. K. V . Face Recognition of Database of Compressed Images using Local Binary Patterns. International Journal of Computer Applications. 74, 16 ( July 2013), 10-17. DOI=10.5120/12968-9591

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title = { Face Recognition of Database of Compressed Images using Local Binary Patterns },
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Local binary pattern algorithm is used in this work to determine the recognition rate for the images stored in a compressed form in the database. The images are of two types, namely, probe image and the database images. Data base images are the one present in databases like airport servers, government servers etc. , whereas the probe image is the one which is being tested against the database to find the matching picture or record from the database. In this work, the data base images are compressed on the size of the image by several compression levels and each level is tested for the same probe image. The probe image is not compressed while comparison. The simulation results are presented for the recognition rate under different levels of compression.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Face recognition compression image compression and face recognition security