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A Novel Approach on Color Image Refocusing and Defocusing

by Atrikesh Pandey, Deepak Pant, Kapil Kumar Gupta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 73 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Atrikesh Pandey, Deepak Pant, Kapil Kumar Gupta

Atrikesh Pandey, Deepak Pant, Kapil Kumar Gupta . A Novel Approach on Color Image Refocusing and Defocusing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 73, 3 ( July 2013), 13-17. DOI=10.5120/12720-9544

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In this study we present a novel approach on a color image refocusing and defocusing. In detail, the proposed method can accomplish the tasks of color image refocusing and defocusing. Our proposed method is thus a process of recovering the original color image from the degraded color image observations. This approach has the advantage of canny edge detection process for preserving the sharp Edges and lines of color images for restoring the blurred color image. Blind deconvolution algorithm is used to blurred images where image recovery process has been performed with little or no prior knowledge of the degrading point spread function.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Defocusing Partial Occlusion Refocusing Deconvolution Noise reduction