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Reseach Article

Prototype Design of Indigenous GSM based Intelligent Irrigation System

by Ripul Rishi, Dilip Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 73 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ripul Rishi, Dilip Kumar

Ripul Rishi, Dilip Kumar . Prototype Design of Indigenous GSM based Intelligent Irrigation System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 73, 18 ( July 2013), 36-39. DOI=10.5120/12844-0226

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%T Prototype Design of Indigenous GSM based Intelligent Irrigation System
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The majorities of soil moisture sensor being used in India for the detection of the moisture content of the field is imported and are very costly. There is a need to design new indigenous GSM based intelligent irrigation system. The key intent of this paper is to testimony an indigenous GSM based intelligent irrigation system which performs gathering of moisture from the field with the help of developed sensor and derive suitable actuator(i:e motor). The moisture can also be known from a remote place using handheld device.

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  6. AT89s52 Datasheet, available at http://www. keil. com /dd/ docs/datashts/atmel/at89s52_ds. pdf.
  7. ADCO8O8 Datasheet, available at http://www. ti. com /lit/ds/symlink/adc0808-n. pdf.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


GSM Intelligent irrigation Microcontroller