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Aggregation of EDF and ACO for Enhancing Real Time System Performance

by Jashweeni Nandanwar, Urmila Shrawankar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 73 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Jashweeni Nandanwar, Urmila Shrawankar

Jashweeni Nandanwar, Urmila Shrawankar . Aggregation of EDF and ACO for Enhancing Real Time System Performance. International Journal of Computer Applications. 73, 17 ( July 2013), 24-33. DOI=10.5120/12834-9974

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Time constraint is the main factor in real time operating system and it affects the deadline of the process. To achieve deadline, proper scheduling algorithm is required to schedule the task. In this paper an Adaptive scheduling algorithm is developed which is the combination of Earliest Deadline First (EDF) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The EDF algorithm places the process in a priority queue and executed using the deadline. The priority of the processes depends upon the deadline and handles the under loaded condition. The limitation of EDF algorithm is that it cannot handle the overloaded condition. The execution of ACO algorithm is based on the execution time. Process which contains the minimum execution time is executed first. The limitation of ACO algorithm is, it takes more time for execution than EDF. Therefore, to remove the limitation of both the algorithms an Adaptive scheduling algorithm is developed. It increases performance of the system and decreases the system failure. Also the percentage of missing deadline is reduced. The advantage of an Adaptive scheduling algorithm is, it handles over-loaded and under-loaded condition simultaneously. The performance of an Adaptive scheduling algorithm is calculated in terms of Success Ratio that is the number of process scheduled and CPU Utilization. The result of execution time is compared with the EDF and ACO scheduling algorithm. The goal of an Adaptive scheduling algorithm is to show the switching between the scheduling algorithms and to decrease the system failure and increase the system performance.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Real-Time Scheduling algorithm Earliest Deadline First Ant Colony Optimization Load balancing Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm