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Reseach Article

GNSS based Real Time Train Monitoring: A Web Approach

by Mohd Shoab, Kamal Jain, M. Shashi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 73 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Mohd Shoab, Kamal Jain, M. Shashi

Mohd Shoab, Kamal Jain, M. Shashi . GNSS based Real Time Train Monitoring: A Web Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 73, 14 ( July 2013), 34-41. DOI=10.5120/12811-0125

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title = { GNSS based Real Time Train Monitoring: A Web Approach },
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%T GNSS based Real Time Train Monitoring: A Web Approach
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Global Navigation Satellite Navigation System (GNSS) is widely used for surveying, navigation, timing, positioning and Tracking. This is a technique which is highly precise, real time, continuous and work in all weather conditions for providing position and navigation information. Two GNSS systems are currently fully operational, United States GPS and Russian GLONASS. GNSS is used in transportation industry for monitoring various types of vehicles like, aircrafts, ships, trains, buses etc. In the industrial and public transportation, railway is widely used by people in the world. Monitoring the trains is concern with the security and safety. In this paper, a GNSS based web application is proposed for monitoring trains. GNSS provide navigation and positioning information of a train. This web application is developed in C#. net using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


GNSS GPS GLONASS navigation positioning trains web application