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Concatenative based Pashto Digits and Numbers Synthesizer

by Sahibzada Abdur Rehman Abid, Nasir Ahmad, Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan, Fatima Tuz Zuhra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 72 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sahibzada Abdur Rehman Abid, Nasir Ahmad, Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan, Fatima Tuz Zuhra

Sahibzada Abdur Rehman Abid, Nasir Ahmad, Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan, Fatima Tuz Zuhra . Concatenative based Pashto Digits and Numbers Synthesizer. International Journal of Computer Applications. 72, 6 ( June 2013), 39-42. DOI=10.5120/12502-8490

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title = { Concatenative based Pashto Digits and Numbers Synthesizer },
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issue_date = { June 2013 },
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%A Nasir Ahmad
%A Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan
%A Fatima Tuz Zuhra
%T Concatenative based Pashto Digits and Numbers Synthesizer
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This paper presents a Pashto digits synthesis system that produces the Pashto digits form zero (Sefer) to one thousand (Yaw Zar) using a set of Pashto recorded digits stored in the speech database. Speech database for the Pashto digits synthesizer consist of digits from Sefer (0) to Naha (9), Las (10), Shul (20), Dairsh (30), Celwaikht (40), Panzoos (50), Shpeta (60), Awaya (70), Atya (80), Nawi (90), Sul (100), and Zar (1000). The recording of the Pashto digits has been carried out using Sony PCM-M 10 linear Recorder in a noise free environment. The recording has been done from one person. The recorded audio file of the Pashto digits is split into isolated digits by utilizing Adobe Audition ver 1. 0. The Pashto digits are synthesized through concatenative technique using isolated Pashto digits present in the speech database.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Pashto digits Pashto digits recording Pashto digits synthesis