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Building a Website Architecture based on Face Authentication for Developing Trust between Consumers in KSA

by Mohamed S. Farag
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 72 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Mohamed S. Farag

Mohamed S. Farag . Building a Website Architecture based on Face Authentication for Developing Trust between Consumers in KSA. International Journal of Computer Applications. 72, 2 ( June 2013), 45-53. DOI=10.5120/12469-8858

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title = { Building a Website Architecture based on Face Authentication for Developing Trust between Consumers in KSA },
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Millions of Internet users worldwide are engaged in buying and selling of various products using Consumers (C2C) online buy and sell websites, The aim of this study is to working on increasing the trust in e-commerce between Consumers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(KSA), about studying the architecture of the most important websites (Taobao, eBay and Paipai,…), which use the sale and purchase between consumers, and extract the problems that correspond to consumers which using of these sites and avoid them. One of the most important reasons that lead to increased trust between consumers is the ability of a trusted third parties (TTP) to be sure from both parties buyer and seller, so in this study we will discuss a number of algorithms used in face recognition and propose a more efficient algorithm for face recognition and implement it, to be sure from consumers entering the website (increasing the website authentication security). Finally we proposed architecture for our website, which will be used in buying and selling in KSA, this architecture consists of three stages, first stage: the stage of registration for the first time and where the consumer fills out the application form. The second stage: The login stages the consumer entering Assurance Key (AK), and uploads a personal image using webcam to log on to the website. the third stage: if TTP verify from the data in the first stage, generates AK for the consumer and send it to him, and in the second case, if TTP verify from the login data (authenticity of data) then the consumer can access the operations on the website.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Assurance keys (AK's) consumer to consumer (C2C) E-Commerce Evaluation Model building trust