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Reseach Article

The Role of Business Process Model in Customer Centric eGovernment System

by Ramani. S, Y. S. Kumaraswamy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 72 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ramani. S, Y. S. Kumaraswamy

Ramani. S, Y. S. Kumaraswamy . The Role of Business Process Model in Customer Centric eGovernment System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 72, 12 ( June 2013), 13-23. DOI=10.5120/12545-9003

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The development of customer centric eGovernment systems, for better services and reliable information to citizen, is increasing in developed and developing countries as part of eGovernment initiatives. This provides an opportunity to redesign government processes and also to improve efficiency and effectiveness within government institution. A review of literature indicates that the majority of eGovernment–for-development projects fail either totally or partially. The gap between design and the ground reality is defined as 'design-reality gaps'. This is attributed as the cause of failure. Therefore, this research study has been undertaken to propose a business process model for customer centric eGovernment system that will help to reduce the gap due to business process representation in Information System. This study has revealed that work system in eGovernment can be described as an event (Request) driven system with a pattern Request-Process-Response. This paper reports that Process Aware Information System (PAIS) is one of the suitable Information Systems for a customer centric eGovernment system. The process model chosen in PAIS is tightly-framed and workflow system, which includes P2A(Person-to-Application) and A2A(Application-to-Application) process model. The structure of process model proposed for eGovernment system is a multi-tier, non-linear and iterative structure and can be with multiple interconnected descriptive task chains. The work articulation can be represented as descriptive task chains to follow a planned task sequence determined by conditions and situations emerged during process cycle. This process model has been validated with a typical citizen centric eGovernment system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


eGovernment Information System event driven system process model business process map