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Introducing a Domain Ontology based on the Role of Trusted Third Party (TTP) in inter-Organizational Collaboration

by Neda Zeighami, Mir Ali Seyyedi, Mehran Mohsenzadeh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Neda Zeighami, Mir Ali Seyyedi, Mehran Mohsenzadeh

Neda Zeighami, Mir Ali Seyyedi, Mehran Mohsenzadeh . Introducing a Domain Ontology based on the Role of Trusted Third Party (TTP) in inter-Organizational Collaboration. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 8 ( June 2013), 37-41. DOI=10.5120/12382-8733

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%T Introducing a Domain Ontology based on the Role of Trusted Third Party (TTP) in inter-Organizational Collaboration
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Due to the need for information exchange between enterprises and different formats and standards in each organization, interoperability and flexibility between enterprises are difficult. Hence, a space needed to standardize documentation, transaction Choreographyes between international enterprises is felt. In such circumstances, this space is called Collaboration space. To create a fair, non-repudiation and secure collaboration space, trusted third party (TTP) is used to facilitate collaboration and interaction between enterprises. Instead of any of the partners interact with each other; they can communicate with a TTP. One of the new topics in the IT and business alignment is enterprise interoperability in various business domains. One of the best ways to identify business domains is business modeling and one of the key tools in the modeling business is business domain ontologies. Ontologies introduce the core concepts that exist in some domain of interest and the relationships that hold among them and they can be used in modeling of business domains. In a collaboration space and for enterprise interoperability, each business domain according to their needs, uses the specific ontology to create models of their business. In the field of business domains there are three ontologies to model business. Our focus in this research has been the development of the REA ontology. The project aims to provide ontology for modeling collaboration space concepts based on a TTP in the interoperability of enterprises. To collaboration space between enterprises has established, the public processes, border collaboration and the main concepts of the domain ontology associated with the related ontology must be identified. The collaboration space between enterprises is a heterogeneous space in terms of technology and in terms of ontology. Also in this space some issues are important such as authentication of partners in domain, guarantee of limited access control of partners to resources, non-repudiation of partners, recovery of lost information and translation of different domains. These characteristics are achieved through trusted third parties. In order to implement a TTP, a domain-specific ontology to describe the collaboration space is needed.

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  14. Guido L. Geert and William E. McCarthy "The Ontological Foundation of REA Enterprise Information Systems", November 1999, March 2000, August 2000.
  15. ISO/IEC 15944-1: INTERNATIONAL STANDARD:" Information technology – Business Operational View -Operational aspects of Open-edi for implementation",2006
  16. ISO/IEC 15944-4 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD:" Information technology – Business Operational View -Part 4: Business transaction scenarios-Accounting and economic ontology, 2007.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ontology Interoperability Business Domain Business Domain Ontologies Trusted third party (TTP) REA