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Reseach Article

Parameterized Unit Testing Tool for .Net Framework

by Doaa Sami, Hala abdel-Galil, Mostafa Sami
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 7
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Doaa Sami, Hala abdel-Galil, Mostafa Sami

Doaa Sami, Hala abdel-Galil, Mostafa Sami . Parameterized Unit Testing Tool for .Net Framework. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 7 ( June 2013), 16-19. DOI=10.5120/12370-8713

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title = { Parameterized Unit Testing Tool for .Net Framework },
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%A Mostafa Sami
%T Parameterized Unit Testing Tool for .Net Framework
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Unit testing has been widely recognized as an important and valuable means of improving software reliability, as it exposes bugs early in the software development life cycle. However, manual unit testing is often tedious and insufficient. Testing tools can be used to enable economical use of resources by reducing manual effort [11]. Recently the use of parameters in unit testing has emerged as a very promising and effective methodology to allow the separation of two testing concerns or tasks: the specification of external, black-box behavior (i. e. , assertions or specifications) by developers and the generation and selection of internal, white-box test inputs (i. e. , high-code-covering test inputs) by tools [4, 12]. The Unit Testing Tool produced in this research is based on a parameterized test method that takes parameters, calls the code under test, and states assertions.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Testing unit testing parameterized unit testing