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Available Bandwidth Estimation for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Environment of WLAN and WiMAX

by Kiran Ahuja, Brahmjit Singh, Rajesh Khanna
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Kiran Ahuja, Brahmjit Singh, Rajesh Khanna

Kiran Ahuja, Brahmjit Singh, Rajesh Khanna . Available Bandwidth Estimation for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Environment of WLAN and WiMAX. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 5 ( June 2013), 23-27. DOI=10.5120/12355-8668

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Always best connected services (ABC) allow multimode mobile terminals to stay connected to the best available networks, at anytime according to user preferences. One of the key aspects in realizing such ABC service is mainly attributed to an effective and dynamic access network selection process. However, most of the previous works consider the access network selection process as a static optimization problem which fails to address the dynamic QoS conditions intrinsic in wireless networks. One of the main challenges remaining is to find an efficient way of obtaining dynamic QoS parameters such as available bandwidth. In this paper, propose a novel dynamic access network selection algorithm capable of adapting to prevailing network conditions. Proposed algorithm is an estimation process where network selection in heterogeneous wireless environment (WiMAX & WLAN) performed using available bandwidth estimation relies on dynamic parameters designed using . net.

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  12. http://www. legitreviews. com/images/news/2008/eeepc_wimax_dongle. jpg
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WLAN WiMAX Heterogeneous wireless networks Available bandwidth