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Reseach Article

Comparative Analysis of Present Day Clouds using Service Level Agreements

by Preeti Gulia, Sumedha Sood
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Preeti Gulia, Sumedha Sood

Preeti Gulia, Sumedha Sood . Comparative Analysis of Present Day Clouds using Service Level Agreements. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 3 ( June 2013), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/12335-8603

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title = { Comparative Analysis of Present Day Clouds using Service Level Agreements },
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Cloud computing is a novel computing paradigm in which resources are delivered to end users on the basis of pay as you use model. In cloud computing a customer risks his entire business on a cloud. Thus he needs to be fully aware and confident about the various services that a provider claims to provide. The solution to the above problem comes in form of a legal contract that is established between the two. This contract is formally referred to as Service level agreements. These are short documents that contain various technical performance promises made by the provider. They also includes the penalties that provider would have to pay for performance failures. Thus, SLA makes the provider legally liable for all his claims about various services. SLA further helps a cloud consumer to select the best cloud by matching his requirements with what the provider specifies in its SLA. This paper explores the concept of SLA in cloud computing by quoting examples from real world. It also compares SLA of various present day clouds like rackspace, google apps, etc and proposes a new approach that would automatically select the new cloud on the basis of user requirements and SLA.

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  13. "Cloud SLA | Rackspace Legal | Rackspace Hosting" http://www. rackspace. com/cloud/legal/sla/ [online; accessed April 2013]
  14. "Engine Yard Terms of Service" https://www. engineyard. com/legal/managed-sla [online; accessed April 2013]
  15. "Google Apps Terms of Service – Google Apps" http://www. google. com/apps/intl/en/terms/sla. html [online; accessed April 2013]
  16. Preeti Gulia and Sumedha Sood, Rank Based Approach for Automatic Service Provider Selection in Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions On Computers, work in progress, 2013
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing service level agreement service credit SLA exclusions