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Transforming an Organisational Outcomes to Software Measurement Programs

by Kaenchan Thammarak, Sarun Intakosum
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 24
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Kaenchan Thammarak, Sarun Intakosum

Kaenchan Thammarak, Sarun Intakosum . Transforming an Organisational Outcomes to Software Measurement Programs. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 24 ( June 2013), 18-25. DOI=10.5120/12690-9456

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This paper presents a framework for transforming organizational outcomes into their related software measurement programs. The benefit of this framework is that it can continually measure how well operations or projects lead to the outcomes. The transformation framework has four parts: setting up the program, running the measurement program, analyzing the information products and using the result. The output of this framework is a measurement plan that can produce information products to support both software and organizational measurements. The framework is applied to 3 projects out of 5 projects conducted at SwE Laboratory, Walailak University, Thailand. The results are shown that the projects that use this framework are more consistent with the outcomes. The average time requires to re-run measurements are 5. 33 days decreased. In term of user satisfaction, about 73% of the laboratory members are satisfied with the framework where the rests are neutral.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Organizational outcomes Software measurement program Software engineering OPI Transformation