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Reseach Article

A Six Point Charter of Green Computing

by V. Nandakumar, S. S. Dhenakaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: V. Nandakumar, S. S. Dhenakaran

V. Nandakumar, S. S. Dhenakaran . A Six Point Charter of Green Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 22 ( June 2013), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/12615-8009

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Computing is fast calculations and generating solutions to complex problems. Recently Researchers have started focusing on energy efficiency, minimization of power consumption in e-equipments. Researching on environmentally sustainable factors is an emerging trend where Green computing is the efficient utilization of computing resources. It aims at reducing the use of hazardous materials, promoting recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products. "Green Computing" is also minimization of e-waste and use of non-toxic materials in preparation of e-equipments. IT industry is a complex mix of people, networks and hardware. The industry consumes approximately 3% of the world's energy which increases constantly. Green computing has become a paramount requirement for the protection of the environment. The implementations need to study gains that can be achieved, analyze gaps in achieving the benefits of green computing. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in its survey listed over 90 government and industry initiatives on "Green ICTs" since both are needed to "go green" thus prolonging energy resources.

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  2. http://update. unu. edu/archive/issue31_5. htm
  3. http://www. computerweekly. com/Articles/2006/12/12/220406/do-you-run-a-green-machine. htm
  4. http://www. gartner. com/it/page. jsp?id=503867
  5. http://www. climatesaverscomputing. org/
  6. http://www. dcd-intelligence. com/ResearchProcess/Research-Process
  7. http://www. 1e. com/energycampaign/downloads/1EnergyReportUS. pdf
  8. http://www. berr. gov. uk/files/file35992. pdf
  9. http://www. greenpeace. org/raw/content/international/press/reports/guide-greener- electronics-8-edition. pdf
  10. http://www/03. ibm. com/press/us/en/presskit/21440. wss
  11. http://news. discovery. com/tech/green products-that-break-down-110310. html
  12. http://www. techno-preneur. net/information-desk/sciencetechmagazine/2007/nov07/GreenComputig. pdf
  13. http://www. tech-faq. com/green-computing. shtml
  14. Gary B. S (2002)Discovering Computers:Concepts for a Digital World, Complete Shelly Cashman Series:Complete
  15. Sivaharan, T, Blair, G. and Coulson, G 2005),GREEN: A Configurable and Re-configurablePublish Subscribe Middleware for Pervasive Computing - lecture Notes in Computer Science,2005 Springer
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


E-waste Toxic Eco-Friendly Bioplastics Green Computing Sustainability Energy Efficacy