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Reseach Article

Performance Comparison of Reed Solomon Code and BCH Code over Rayleigh Fading Channel

by Faisal Rasheed Lone, Arjun Puri, Sudesh Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Faisal Rasheed Lone, Arjun Puri, Sudesh Kumar

Faisal Rasheed Lone, Arjun Puri, Sudesh Kumar . Performance Comparison of Reed Solomon Code and BCH Code over Rayleigh Fading Channel. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 20 ( June 2013), 23-26. DOI=10.5120/12603-9397

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%A Faisal Rasheed Lone
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Data transmission over a communication channel is prone to a number of factors that can render the data unreliable or inconsistent by introducing noise, crosstalk or various other disturbances. A mechanism has to be in place that detects these anomalies in the received data and corrects it to get the data back as it was meant to be sent by the sender. Over the years a number of error detection and correction methodologies have been devised to send and receive the data in a consistent and correct form. The best of these methodologies ensure that the data is received correctly by the receiver in minimum number of retransmissions. In this paper performance of Reed Solomon Code (RS) and BCH Code is compared over Rayleigh fading channel.

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  10. Arjun Puri, Sudesh Kumar, "Comparative Analysis of Reed Solomon Codes and BCH Codes in the Presence of AWGN Channel", International Journal of Information and Computing Technology, vol. 3 no. 3, 2013
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


RS Code BCH Code Rayleigh Fading Channel Modulation