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Reseach Article

Level Set based Bias Field Corrected Mammograms and Threshold Segmentation for the Detection of Breast Cancer

by R. Ramani, N. Suthanthira Vanitha, S. Valarmathy
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: R. Ramani, N. Suthanthira Vanitha, S. Valarmathy

R. Ramani, N. Suthanthira Vanitha, S. Valarmathy . Level Set based Bias Field Corrected Mammograms and Threshold Segmentation for the Detection of Breast Cancer. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 16 ( June 2013), 1-11. DOI=10.5120/12439-8317

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Breast cancer is one of the usual cancers among the women in the worldwide population. The research paper is developing of a reliable tool to detect earlier signs of the breast cancer in mammograms. Accuracy rate of breast cancer in mammogram depends on image segmentation. Doctors and radiologists can miss the abnormality, due to inexperience's in the field of breast cancer detection. The image segmentation is very useful for doctors and radiologists to analysis the cancer stage. Image segmentation is very difficult process and challenging work in the field of medical image processing. The image segmentation algorithms are region-based and homogeneity of the image intensities in the regions of interest, which often fail to correct segmentation results due to intensity inhomogeneity. This paper proposed level set based bias corrected mammograms and threshold segmentation used to detect breast cancer with intensity inhomogeneities in the segmentation. This method is able to segment the image, estimate the bias field and used for bias correction. After bias corrected image, threshold segmentation and morphology techniques is applied to detect the breast cancer in mammograms with effective results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Segmentation Mammogram Intensity inhomogeneity Breast cancer Level set Bias Correction image Threshold Morphology