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A Study on Spatial and Transform Domain Watermarking Techniques

by Pooja Dabas, Kavita Khanna
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Pooja Dabas, Kavita Khanna

Pooja Dabas, Kavita Khanna . A Study on Spatial and Transform Domain Watermarking Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 14 ( June 2013), 38-41. DOI=10.5120/12429-9124

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Digital Image Watermarking is used for copyright protection of digital information. With the widespread of internet, the intellectual properties are accessible and manipulated easily. It demanded to have different ways to protect data. Digital watermarking provides a viable and promising solution. In this paper, we have described about the three different watermarking techniques (LSB, DCT, DWT) along with the various performance parameters required to evaluate the best technique out of them. This can help us to propose and implement new technique to achieve maximum robustness against various attacks.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Image Watermarking Copyright Protection LSB DCT DWT Robustness Performance Parameters Attacks