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An Investigation of High Frequency Wide Band Low Noise Amplifier for Antenna Testing System

by Muhammad Asif Zakariyya, Farman Ullah, Aamir Khan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 71 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Muhammad Asif Zakariyya, Farman Ullah, Aamir Khan

Muhammad Asif Zakariyya, Farman Ullah, Aamir Khan . An Investigation of High Frequency Wide Band Low Noise Amplifier for Antenna Testing System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 71, 11 ( June 2013), 6-12. DOI=10.5120/12400-8297

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A design of wide band low noise amplifier for a typical antenna system is investigated here. This utilizes a wide frequency band from 1-6 GHz . The design objective is to achieve minimum Noise Figure at reasonable gain throughout the entire band. The transistor model used is ATF58143, An e pHEMTfamily member offering the best noise performance. After simulations a NF below 1db is achieved from 1-3. 6 GHz band along with a gain above 10 dB. While below 2 dB noise figure is achieved between 3. 6 -5. 6GHz but at this the gain achieved is above 7dB. The input and output matching networks for the circuit are designed using micro wave transmission lines and PCB used is PTFE board.

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