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Reseach Article

Role of Biometric Cryptography in Cloud Computing

by Praveen Tiwari, Ashis Saklani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Praveen Tiwari, Ashis Saklani

Praveen Tiwari, Ashis Saklani . Role of Biometric Cryptography in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 9 ( May 2013), 34-38. DOI=10.5120/11993-7874

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title = { Role of Biometric Cryptography in Cloud Computing },
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%T Role of Biometric Cryptography in Cloud Computing
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Cloud Computing presents a distinct way to share distributed resources and services with the help of internet. Cloud computing includes sharing of distributed resources via internet- an open network, therefore security becomes an essential issue. A secure data transmission and key management is needed in cloud computing, to overcome such problems. Securing information is the key issue in the field of network security. Cryptography is one of the most effective way to enhance information security. Biometric cryptography is a technique which uses biometric features to encrypt the data and overcome the defects of traditional cryptography. In this paper, a biometric based encryption and decryption scheme, in which a master key is generated using whole/partial hash portion of combined sender and receiver finger print. From this master key many random keys are generated using pseudo random generator which is used as a secret key for both encryption and decryption. The pseudo random number generator may have different algorithm to generate one dimensional number from a piece of image matrix of biometry. This one dimensional number is considered as master key and remains valid for one session unless renewed. This master key and sequence number (seed value, other parameter) is sent by the sender after watermarking it in sender's fingerprint along with encrypted message. Proposed system has an advantage that no need to search public key database and security is maintained. The computational requirement and network security features are duly addressed in this paper to make a normal cloud computing platform to trusted cloud computing platform and assured a secure data transmission.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Security Biometric Cryptography