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Enhancing Security in Cyber Physical Systems through Policy based Trust Management against Deception Attack

by Kanchana Devi V, Ganesan R
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Kanchana Devi V, Ganesan R

Kanchana Devi V, Ganesan R . Enhancing Security in Cyber Physical Systems through Policy based Trust Management against Deception Attack. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 6 ( May 2013), 10-13. DOI=10.5120/11965-7805

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title = { Enhancing Security in Cyber Physical Systems through Policy based Trust Management against Deception Attack },
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The World is moving towards invisible computers, Ubiquitous Computing (any information everywhere), Pervasive Computing (which combines current network technology with wireless computing), Ambient Intelligence (which refers to electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people), and Traditional Embedded System (which is a closed system, not only in the sense of closed physical locations or dedicated hardware, but also closed with respect to the boundaries, where CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) is an open system which integrate computing and communication with monitoring and/or control of entities in physical world. CPS is the integration of several Wireless Sensor Networks. CPS is used in several applications like Automotive electronics, Avionics, Medical systems, Forestry machines, Logistics, Autonomous Vehicles, and Smart Structures. These are all "Critical Systems", the failure of the system will harm the people who depend on it. Some challenges in CPS are low power, no standard interface of sensors, low cost and high accuracy terminal devices and security. A system without security is like bank without locks. "Trust Management" plays an important role in security of CPS, since it is an open system. Trust Management is a dynamic concept which changes depending on the application. Trust is related to the authentication, authorization which comes under the hard side of trust. And also competence, reliability, integrity, timeliness, accuracy which comes under soft side of trust. Secured data or information can be trusted. This paper mainly focuses on the trustworthiness of a sensor and controller, where the trust depends on the reliability of the data sent by them. The Policy Based Trust Management is used to identify the false information sent from sensors/controllers by calculating the weight-age of the data integrity. This ensures the truthfulness of the sensor/controller in the CPS.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cyber Physical Systems Security Trust Management Data Integrity