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Reseach Article

An Efficient Model for Securing Identity Access in Scalable System

by Sunil Singh, Manish Kumar, Shantanu Das
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Sunil Singh, Manish Kumar, Shantanu Das

Sunil Singh, Manish Kumar, Shantanu Das . An Efficient Model for Securing Identity Access in Scalable System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 5 ( May 2013), 26-30. DOI=10.5120/11959-7793

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title = { An Efficient Model for Securing Identity Access in Scalable System },
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This paper proposes an identity management system model which will ensure secure storage and retrieval of the IDs information in the scalable identity database. The proposed model uses the distributed database technology for information storage and retrieval to make the system more reliable. The IDs information storage is secured by using cryptography mechanism of data conversion in the identity database. Authenticated link by internet service providers is used for secure communication of the user information between the authenticated service agencies/ user service providers and the Identity server. For retrieval of the user sensitive information, this paper proposes an access method based on request and authorization of the service provider.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Identity Identity Server Data Privacy Authenticating Service Agency Service Provider