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Intensity Adaptive LSB Method Applying a Revised Matching

by Javad Mohammadi Rad
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 27
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Javad Mohammadi Rad

Javad Mohammadi Rad . Intensity Adaptive LSB Method Applying a Revised Matching. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 27 ( May 2013), 20-26. DOI=10.5120/12240-8468

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This paper proposes a new steganographic algorithm in spatial domain. A filtering method selects some color components of pixelsin BMP cover imagesfor embedding according to their Most Significant Bits(MSB) value. The components whose MSB value isgreater than a particular threshold,are qualified and the other ones will be skipped. This mechanism makes the retrieval of embedded message possible. Moreover, a matching technique ensures the most possible closeness of new intensity generated in embedding process to its original value. Performance of proposed method is evaluated by some measures namely MAE, MSE,LMSE,LP-Norm, SNR, PSNR, and NCC according to which, proposed method offers up to 40% better results in some measures compared to two other methods; LSB and SLSB.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Filtering Intensity Adaptive LSB (IALSB) LSB Matching LSB Plane LSBSteganography MSB Performance Measure SLSB Spatial Domain Threshold