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Performance Comparison for Omnidirectional and Directional MAC Protocols for Ad hoc Network

by Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Zafrul Hasan, Khwaja Mohammad Athar Siddique, Md. Jahangeer Alam
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Zafrul Hasan, Khwaja Mohammad Athar Siddique, Md. Jahangeer Alam

Asrar Ahmad Ansari, Zafrul Hasan, Khwaja Mohammad Athar Siddique, Md. Jahangeer Alam . Performance Comparison for Omnidirectional and Directional MAC Protocols for Ad hoc Network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 21 ( May 2013), 26-31. DOI=10.5120/12193-8293

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%A Khwaja Mohammad Athar Siddique
%A Md. Jahangeer Alam
%T Performance Comparison for Omnidirectional and Directional MAC Protocols for Ad hoc Network
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In ad hoc networks, traditional MAC protocols used omnidirectional antennas. But these days directional antennas have emerged as an alternative of omnidirectional antenna. The directional antennas offer many benefits compared to classical omnidirectional antennas. Those include significant increases in spatial reuse, coverage range and subsequently network capacity as a whole. In this paper, we present comparison study of directional and omnidirectional MAC protocols. We are contrasting their features and evaluating their performance under various network load. For comparison the performance we simulated some omnidirectional and directional MAC protocols by using OPNET 14. 5. we have simulated an ad hoc network scenarios by using the omnidirectional and directional MAC protocols

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WLAN Ad hoc Networks IEEE 802. 11 directional MAC hidden terminal problem exposed node problem