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Building Learning Repository based on Semantic and Shareable Learning Objects

by Khaled M. Fouad, Mostafa A. Nofal, Jehan A. Hasan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Khaled M. Fouad, Mostafa A. Nofal, Jehan A. Hasan

Khaled M. Fouad, Mostafa A. Nofal, Jehan A. Hasan . Building Learning Repository based on Semantic and Shareable Learning Objects. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 17 ( May 2013), 34-42. DOI=10.5120/12162-8205

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Learning Objects (LO) represent important elements when using electronic media to deliver educational contents to an audience in a learning environment. Construction of LOs does not involve a simple method, as their nature is directly linked to the intricacies of human cognitive and learning processes. Learning Objects Repository (LOR) not only provides a distributed storage mechanism but also emphasizes on the shareability and reusability of LOs. To ensure reusability and shareability, the metadata has been annotated to help LO discovery. To enhance the annotations in a traditional metadata format, ontological approach is proposed to achieve efficient LOs and to assist users in retrieving LOs. In this paper, new approach is proposed to acquiresemantic shareable learning objectsto create LOR. This proposed system presents the advantages that facilitate the development of new didactic tools with improved LO retrieving, integration and building capabilities. The experiment executed in this research shows that the proposed approach improves LO retrieving in the learning system.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Learning object repository Semantic Web Domain ontology Semantic learning objects Semantic annotation LO refinement