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Reseach Article

Cloud Data Security While using Third Party Auditor

by Ashish Bhagat, Ravi Kant Sahu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 70 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ashish Bhagat, Ravi Kant Sahu

Ashish Bhagat, Ravi Kant Sahu . Cloud Data Security While using Third Party Auditor. International Journal of Computer Applications. 70, 16 ( May 2013), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/12149-7798

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In this paper the computing resources in the form of service rather than a utilities and product are provided to users over internet. The corporate world there are huge number of client which is accessing there data and modifying the data. The cloud is a platform where the data owner remotely stores their data in cloud. The goal of cloud computing concept is to secure and protect the data which come under the property of users and security of cloud computing environment is exclusive research area into which requires further development from both academic and research communities. The cloud application and services move to centralized huge data center and services and management of this data may not be trustable into cloud environment the computing resources are under control of service provider and the third-party-auditor ensures the data integrity over out sourced data. Third-party-auditor not only read but also may be change the data. Hence a mechanism should be provided who solved the problem. 1st the examines the problem contradiction between client CSP new potential securities schemes used to solve problem. the purpose of this paper is attempted to bring greater clarity landscape about cloud computing security and their solution at user level using encryption which ensure the data owner and client that there data are intact using algorithm. .

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Integrity Third party Auditor Cloud Service Provider