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Article:Look Before You Leap: A Survey of Web Service Discovery

by Mydhili K Nair, Dr. V.Gopalakrishna
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 7 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Mydhili K Nair, Dr. V.Gopalakrishna

Mydhili K Nair, Dr. V.Gopalakrishna . Article:Look Before You Leap: A Survey of Web Service Discovery. International Journal of Computer Applications. 7, 5 ( September 2010), 22-30. DOI=10.5120/1159-1508

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This paper is an exhaustive review summarizing the results, observations and findings of the renowned researchers in the domain of Web Service Discovery. After extensive scavenging on the Internet, we felt that there is a paucity of good quality survey papers, which can help, provide directions to a researcher looking for a fertile area to explore in the Web Services arena, especially in Discovery of Web Services. We highlight here the list of problems, which need to be looked into and investigated. This comprehensive listing of the open-ended unresolved issues is presented in a novel way, by providing its Cause-Effect Analysis. In this paper, we hand-hold you to into a literary journey that provides a glimpse of the huge spectrum of work investigated by researchers globally in the field of Discovering the Right Services, based on the Requirements provided by the Consumer.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web Service Discovery Survey QoS Ranking Algorithms Matchmaking Algorithms WSMO OWL-S DAML-S Broker Ontology UDDI Service Discovery Frameworks